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Bill Jannke


Bill Jannke



Researcher using microfiche




Researchers using library


elected officers


1998 Elected officials of the Dodge/Jefferson County Genealogical Society include: (back row from left) Harriet Crossman, board member; Shirley Hess, board member; Elaine Smith, newsletter editor; Sharon Peot, program chairwoman; Elizabeth Haban, librarian; Bill Jannke, secretary; (front row) Marie Rieder, treasurer; Mary Mallow, president; Bob Webster, vice president; Roberta Fosdal, membership chairwoman and researcher.

(Watertown Daily Times, Jan. 9, 1998)


July, 1999 Board Members
Back row from left, Sharon Peot, program chairwoman; Karla Borth, Elaine Smith, Shirley Hess, Elizabeth Haban, librarian; John Fosdal, newsletter editor; and Ryan Vogel, computer technician. Front row from left, John Engler, treasurer; Mary Mallow, president; Bill Jannke, secretary; and Roberta Fosdal, membership chairwoman.

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