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This is an attempt to trace each 1949 business place and residence back to its beginning on the original location.


Articles from Hustisford News -- Starting July 1, 1949 ending October 14, 1949


Rupprecht, Otto         Residence, 1949

Zilisch,  F. W.         Furniture mfg, 1868 -

Panetti, John Dr.       Physician ?

Panetti, P.A. Dr.       Physician, 1898 -

Wege, D. F.             Buggy and implement shop,1901 -


Goecks, Herman          Residence, 1949

Brunke, Frederick       Shoemaker, 1867-1941


Radloff, Otto           Residence, 1949

Radloff, Otto           Original Taxidermist, 1908-1941


Zilisch, Gustav         Residence, 1949

Kellenbenz, John        Meat Market, 1860 or before

Haertel, Carl           Wooden Show Maker, 1877-1885


Bartsch, Oscar          Grocery and Drygoods, 1949

Pravitz, August Sr.     Grocery, 1870-1873

Flemming, August        Grocery, 1875-1888

Boeing, Robert          Jeweler, 1888-1891

Pflanz, Herman &

Bartsch, Herman         Grocery, 1891-1894

Bartsch, Herman & Son   Grocery, 1894-1941          

Bartsch, Oscar          Grocery, 1941-1949


Kaul, Willie            News Office, 1949

Mahoney, G. F.          Temperance House, 1880-1881

Hipke, Dr.              Physician

Kaul, Willie Sr.        The Hustisford News, 1910-1949

Kaul, Willie Sr.        Justice, 1912-1949


Berndt Bros.            Funeral Home, 1949 (south end of lot)

Smith, J. A. Dr.        Drugstore, 1858-1863

Rex, F.W. & Simon       Drugstore, ? - 1861

Kalk, Christian         Drugstore, 1866-1870

Gillman, John           Cabinet Shop, 1870-1873


Berndt Bros.            Funeral Home, 1949 (entire lot)

Zilisch, F. W.          Furniture Mfg., 1873-1902

Zilisch, Gustav         Furniture Mfg and Paint, 1902-1945

Zilisch, Gustav         Funeral Home, 1904-1945

Berndt Bros.            Funeral Home, 1945-1949


Leitzke, Arthur         Electric Appliance Shop

Joch, Ludwing           Meat Market, 1870

Pflanz, Herman          Meat Market, 1891-1899

Hoeft, Paul             Meat Market, 1899 - ?

Leitzke, Arthur         Electric Appliances, 1938-1949



Rex, Charles            Residence, 1949

Zimmerling, F. Mrs.     Millinery, 1899 - ?

Wege, Irma & Frieda     Millinery, ? - ?

Lichtenberg, Fred       Shoe Shop, 1910-1940


Lehmann, Emil           Tavern, 1949

Haase, William          Saloon, 187?-?

Schuetz, Ferdinand      Saloon, 1989-1889

Zimmerling, Emil        Bottling works, 1899-1900

Grimm, Gottlieb         Built Saloon, 1904-1905

Pflanz, Herman          Saloon, 1905-?

Lehmann, Paul           Saloon, 1905-1912

Lehmann, Emil           Saloon, 1912-1949


Lean to on north side of F. Schuetz saloon

Hanneman, Otto          Shoe Shop, 1879-1883

Wangert, John           Shoe Shop, 1883-1885


Lang, Frank             Electric Shop, 1949

Walther, Adolph W.      Boots & Shoes, 1870-1883

Neumann, Gust           Barber Shop, ? - ?

Kupfer, John P.         Bakery, 1898-1899

Heldt, William          Bakery & Restaurant, 1899-1900

Trittin, Otto           Confectionary, 1900-1906

Zietlow, Mrs. Albert    Confectionary, 1906-1912

Baelke, August/Richard  Bakery, 1912-1914

Baelke, Richard         Bakery, 1914-1943

Lank, Frank             Electric, Electrical Appliances, 1948-1949


Zilisch, Ernest         Hardware, 1949

North side of present lot:

Daily, John G.          Cabinet maker, 1850-?

Daily, John G.          Drug Store, 1856-1860

Daily, John G.          Post office, 1866-1869

Zillich E. G. &

     Zilisch, Frank L.  Hardware, 1878-1886


South side of lot where store stands today (1949):

Zilisch, E. G. Sr.      Hardware, 1886-1907

Zilisch, E. Jr.         Hardware, 1907-1949


Schuett, Elmer          Tavern and Bowling Alley, 1949

Rhodes, J. C.           Hustisford House, 1857-1858

Wagner, August          Hustisford House, 1873-1878

Prenzlow, Louis         Hustisford House, 1879-1883

Kuenzi, Charles A.      Hustisford House, 1884 -  ?

Kuenzi, Mrs. Chas. A.   Hustisford House, 1885-1887

McDermod, John          Hustisford House, 1886 - ?

Nienow, Henry F.        Hustisford House, 1887-1891

Lehmann, Paul           Hustisford House, 1892-1904

Kettner, August         Hustisford House, 1904-1914

Boeder, Bernhard        Hustisford House, 1914-1924

Neuenschwander, Ernest  Hustisford House, 1924-1925

Schuett, Elmer          Sparky’s Tavern, 1925-1949



South side of lot:

                        Bowling Alley, 1942-1949


Roeseler, August        Hardware, 1949

Spear, Fayette M.       Tin Smith & Hardware, 1859-1861

Le Count, Mitchell      Hardware, 1861-1869

Roeseler, August Sr.    Hardware, 1869-1889

Roeseler, August Jr.    Hardware, 1889-1949


South side of lot:

Roeseler, August Sr.    Post office, 1884-1890

Roeseler, August Sr.    Telephone office, 1885-?

Roeseler, August Jr.    Warehouse, 1893-1949


Kienast, Donald         Meat Market, 1949

Kellenbenz, John Sr.    (original)Meat Market ?, 1860-1883

Kellenbenz, George      Meat Market, 1870-1899

Platten, Joe            Meat Market, 1899-1901

Betzel, Bruno           Meat Market, ? - ?

Lange, Charles          Meat Market, ? - ?

Suffner, Otto           Meat Market, 1921-1926

Kienast, Albert         Meat Market, 1926-1940

Kienast, Donald         Meat Market, 1941-1949


                   Betty’s Dress Shop, 1949

Roethke, August Jr.     Shoe Shop (?), 1893-1930

Bressler, Herman        Shoe Shop, 1938-1940

Krahn, Gilbert          Radio Shop, 1941-1943

Lang, Frank             Electric, Electric Appliances, 1947-1948

Leitzke, Mrs. Gladys    Betty’s Dress Shop, 1948-1949


Roethke, Mrs. August    Residence, 1949

Sample, Dr. Seth        (?) 1853-?

Krueger, Mrs. Wm.       Millinery, 193?-?


Seefeldt Bros.          Warehouse, 1949

Maechelky, Ernst        Wood turner, 1860-1898

Seefeldt Bros.          Warehouse, 1900-1949


Dewitz, Irving          Implement Shop, 1949

Bellack, Louis &

     Muth, Herman       Blacksmith, 1889-?

Muth, Herman            Blacksmith, ?-?

Randall, Byron &  

     Triplett, ?        Farm Implements, 1891-?

Randall, Byron          Farm Implements, ? - 1899

Randall, Chester        Farm Implements, ? - 1918

Randall, Ralph          Farm Implements, 1918-1925

DeWitz, Irving          Farm Implements, 1925-1949


Dewitz, Irving          Music Store, 1949

Boeing, Dr. Julius      Physician, 1856-1860

Meyer, John             Grocery Store, 187?-?

Lichtenberg, Fred       Shoe Shop, ?-1910

DeWitz, Irving          Music Store, 1939-1949


Gillich, Joseph Sr.     Residence, 1949

Plageman, Dr. Henry     Physician, 1875-1892


Gillich, Joseph Sr.     Grocery Store, 1949

Matthes, Henry Sr.      Grocery and Dry Goods, 1855-1887

Wiggenhorn, Alexander &

     Matthes, Henry     Dry Goods, 1859-1860

Matthes, Felix Sr.      Grocery and Dry Goods, 1887-1910

Kiesow, Erwin           Grocery and Dry Goods, 19? -1922

Gillich, Joseph Sr.     Grocery and Dry Goods, 1922-1949


                        Matthes Hall, 1949

Matthes, Henry &

     Matthes, Felix     1877-1930


Bergmann, Arnold        Tavern, 1949

Vogler, A. C. &

     Wege, C. F.        Hardware, 1897-1899

Wege, Charles F.        Hardware, 1899-1902

Baker, J. W.            Palace Cafe, 1902-1908

Baker, J. W.            Palace Cafe, 1909-1915

Bergmann, Arnold        Tavern, 1915-1949


2nd Floor:

Cares, Dr.              Dentist, 1934-?


                        Hustisford City Hall,1949

Town Hall               1901-1908

City Hall               1911-1949


Roeseler, Felix              Barber Shop, 1949

North of old Town Hall:

Roeseler, Felix              Old Building, 1905-1908


New building south of City Hall:

1. North Half

Roeseler, Felix              Barber Shop, 1908-1949


2. South Half

Roeseler, Felix              Post office, 1917-1930

Schultz, Florence            Beauty Parlor, 1938-1949


Lehman, Elmer      Garage, 1949

Brensike, August Sr.         Wagon Shop, 1870-?

Brensike, August Jr.         Wagon Shop, 1880-1929

Lehman, Elmer Sr.            Ford garage, 1934-1949


Schultz, Dr. Charles         Residence, 1949

Schultz, Dr. Charles         Veterinarian, 1908- 19??

Key, Herbert Sr.             Residence, 1949

Underwood, Elmer             Horse Livery, ?-?

Simon, Adolph                Horse Livery, 1900-1901

Kaul, Willie                 Hustisford News, 1910-1911




Walters, Stanley             Garage, 1949

Old brickyard

Walters, Stanley             (original) Plymouth & DeSoto Garage, 1948-1949


                             Lake Hotel, 1949

Kamlah, P.                   (original), ?-?

Haase, Wm.                   Wisconsin House, 1873-?

Schultz, Herman              Wisconsin House, 1878-?

Voelker, Ferdinand           Wisconsin House, ?-1879

     Building burned down in 1879

Key, August                  Built Saloon, 1897-?

Zietlow, Albert              Saloon, 1903-1906

Zietlow, Mrs. Albert         Saloon, 1907-?

Treittin, Otto               Saloon, 1907-1912

Treittin, Otto               Built Lake Hotel, 1913-?

Rupprecht, Otto              Lake Hotel, ?-?

Kettner, Edwin               Lake Hotel, 1922-1948

Flood, Ray                   Lake Hotel, 1948-1949


                             Bowling Alley, 1949

Yube, August                 (just south of Lake Hotel), 1902-?

Zietlow, Albert              1903-1907

Dornfeld, Paul               1903-1912

Trittin, Otto                1912-?


Dornfeld, Paul               Barber Shop, 1949

Dornfeld, Paul               Barber Shop, 1894-1912

Dornfeld, Paul               Barber Shop, 1913-1940

Dornfeld, Ervin              Barber Shop, 1916-1949


                             Hustisford State Bank, 1949

                             Hustisford State Bank, 1901-1912

                             Hustisford State Bank, 1913-1949


Second Floor of Building (Hustisford State Bank)

Reblitz, Dr. J. W.           Dentist, 1902-?

Stanhope, Dr.                Physician, 1906-?

VanHollen, Dr. R.            Dentist, 1924-?

Hoxie, Dr. P.                Dentist, ?-?

Riley, Dr.                   Dentist, 1935-1937

Gasper, Dr. F. J.            Dentist, 1938-1949

Boeing, Robert               Jeweler, 1949

Boeing, Robert               Jeweler and photographer, 1897-1908

Boeing, Robert               Jeweler, 1897-1942

                             Telephone Office, 1943-1949


Second floor of building (Robert Boeing Jeweler)

Johnson, Roy                 Photographer, 1908-1910

Krueger, Wm.                 Photographer, 1911-1949


                             Old Telephone Office, 1949

Zimmerling, Fred             Tailor, 1870-1899

Annis, Albert                Telephone Office, 1920-1942




Mueller, Walde               Meat Market, 1949

Radloff, Wm.                 Tailor, 1870-1885

Radloff, Wm.                 Saloon, 1893-1898

Lehmann, Otto                Saloon, 1898-1905

Miller, Rudolph              Saloon, ?-?

Neuenschwander, R.           Saloon, 1916-?

Maas, Arthur                 Saloon, ?-?

Kunz, Frank                  Saloon, ?-?

Miller, Wm.                  Saloon, ?-?

Olsen, John                  Saloon, ?-?

Roeseler, Albert             ?, ?-1927

Hasse, August                Meat Market, 1927-1943

Bartelt, Herbert             Meat Market, 1944-1947

Mueller, Walde               Meat Market, 1948-1949      


Weymeyer, Tom                Restaurant, 1949

Kalk, Christian              Drug Store, 1870-1873

Fehland, Otto                Drug Store, 1873-?

Rex, Henry &

     Fehland, Otto           Drug Store, 1873-?

Rex, Henry                   Drug Store, 1873-1890

Rex, Charles                 Drug Store, 1890-1943

Hough, James                 Restaurant, 1944-1947

Weymeyer, Tom                Restaurant, 1948-1949


Rex, Charles                 Telephone Office, ?-?

Rex, Charles                 Post Office, 1894-1898


Guetschow, Frank             Harness Shop, 1949

Atkins, Dr. E. E.            Post Office, 1882-1884

Guetschow, Carl              Harness Shop, 1884-1918

Lichtenberg, Fred            Shoe Shop, 19??-?

Joyce, George                Tire repair and gas station, 1920-1927

Guetschow, Frank             Harness Shop, 1927-1949


Theil, Carl                  Grocery Store, 1949

McRae, John                  Mercantile Store, 1848-1855

McRae, John &

     Hall, James             Mercantile Store, 1855-1856

Hall, James                  Mercantile Store, 1856-1884

Zillsch, E. F.               Mercantile Store, 1884-1904

Roll, Paul & Amos            Hustisford Mercantile Co., 1905-1928

Roll, Paul &

     Kleist, Paul            Hustisford Mercantile Co., 1905-1928

Roll, Paul                   Hustisford Mercantile Co., 1928-1930

Herrig, Al                   Hustisford Mercantile Co., 1930-1936

Theil, Carl                  Grocery Store, 1936-1949


North half of the store:

Kalk, Christian              Saloon, 1860-1866

Lehmann, August              Saloon, Billiards and Restaurant, 1870-1883

Hall, James                  Post Office, 1869-1883

Hall, Emily                  Millinery, 1879-?


House immediately west of James Hall:

van der Horst, Wm            1870-1873

Roeseler, Albert             Tavern, 1949

House on south side of lot:

Lange, John                  Saloon, 1880-?

Nenow, August                Saloon, 1883-1885

Vogler, August Sr.           Saloon, 1885-1887


Present tavern site over entire lot:

Vogler, August Sr.           Erected saloon, 1887-1898

Seifert, Frederick           Saloon, 1887-189?

Falkenthal, Gust             Saloon, 1899-?

Roeseler, Theodore           Saloon, 1899-1927

Roeseler, Albert             Saloon, 1927-1949


Fink, Robert                 Drug Store, 1949

Blodgett, William H.         Music House, 1851-1860

Braemer, Henry               Harness Shop, 1870-1900

Kaulitz, Fred J.             Harness Shop, 1900-1918

Guetschow, Frank             Harness Shop, 1918-1926

Kleist, Paul                 Gas Ranges, 1928-1934

Chapin, Lloyd                Drug Store, 1942-1945

Fink, Robert                 Drug Store, 1945-1949


South half of the building:

Kleist, Paul                 Post office, 1930-1934

Panetti, Dr. P.A.            Post Office,1934-1942


North half of the building:

Kleist, Paul                 Gas ranges, 1928-1934

Rehfeld, ?                   I.G.A. Store, 1932-1933


Gruel, George                Bakery, 1949

Guetschow, Carl              Harness Shop, 1881-1882

Braunschweig, Charles        Meat Market, ? -?

Ehlert, John                 Meat Market, ?-?

Haacke, Ernst                Jeweler, ?-?

Pautch, Paul                 Bakery, 1933-1936

Gruel, George                Bakery, 1938-1949


Hustisford Post Office, 1949

Pagel, Henry                 Butcher Shop, ?-?

Dehne, Lydia                 Millinery, ?-?

Bergman, Louisa              Millinery, ?-?

Rohrschneider, ?             Electric Shop, 1932-1938

Krahn, Gilbert               Radio Shop, 1938-1941

Panetti, Dr. P.A.            Post Office, 1942-1946

Lehmann, Norbert             Post Office, 1946-1949


Roethke, George              Ice Cream Parlor, 1949

Krueger, John                Saloon, 185?-1860

Meyer, John P.               Boot and shoemaker, 1860-1870

Pagel, Ferdinand             Saloon, 1879-1880

Leitzke Bros.                Grocery and Dry Goods, 1891-1893

Seefeldt, Wm. &

     Leitzke, John Jr.       Grocery and Dry Goods, 1893-1897

Koebernick, Walter           Drug Store, 1900-1909

Dehne, Emil                  Sweet Shop, 1909-1913

Boeing, Hugo                 Sweet Shop, 1913-1916

Roethke, George              Ice Cream Parlor, 1916-1949

Dewitz, Robert               Ice Cream Parlor, 1949

Dehne, Felix                 Bottling works during time Emil Dehne had sweet shop.


Second Floor:

Probst, Dr.                  Dentist, 1900-?


Wilde, Herman                Residence, 1949

Wolf, August                 Shoe Shop, 1860-1870

Zilisch, August              Shoe Shop, 187?-?


Krahn, Gilbert               Radio Shop, 1949

Roeseler, Louis              Shoe Shop, 1898-1090

Koebernick, Walter           Drug Store, 1909-1942

Gehrke, Charles              Barber Shop, 1944-1945

Krahn, Gilbert                Radio Shop, 1945-1949


Seefeldt Bros.               General Store, 1949

Underwood, Elmer             Horse Livery, ? - ?

Seefeldt, William &

     Herman                  General Store, 1897-1913


New Store Built, 1900


Seefeldt, William &

     Henry                   General Store, 1900- ?

Seefeldt, William &

     Henry & Herbert         General Store, 1913-1949


Gebhardt, Emil               Furniture, 1949

North half of building:

Steinborn, Ferdinand         Furniture & Caskets, 1870-?


Strache, August              Furniture, 1892-1893

Gebhardt, Frederich

     & son                   Furniture, 1893-1930

Gebhardt, Emil               Furniture and Paint, 1930-1949


South half of building:

Schroeder, Ernst             Saloon, 1890-1891

Krueger, Herman A.           Saloon, 1885 - ?

Kettner, August              Saloon, 1899 - ?

Giese, Max                   Saloon, 1902

Bauer, Richard               Saloon, 1903-1908

Kausler, Frank               Saloon, ? - 1911

Neuenschwander, Ernst        Saloon, 1911-1920

Roeseler, William            Hardware, 1920-1943

Gebhard, Emil                Old Furniture, 1943-1949


Basement below E. Gebhard furniture in north half:


Lange, John                  ?, 1879-1880

Schultz, Herman              ? - ?



Second floor of E. Gebhard furniture in north half:


Steinborn, Ferdinand         Photographer, 1870-1892

Downing, W. J.               Photographer, 1899 - ?

Mottle, Henry                Photographer, 1899 - ?


Bresler, Herman              Shoe Shop, 1949

Roethke, August Jr.          Shoe Shop, 1892- ?

Gillich, Joseph Sr.          Tailor, 1916-1922

Marschall, Frank             Tailor, 1923-1935

Krahn, Gilbert               Radio Shop, 1936-1941

Hein, Leo                    Ice Cream Parlor, 1941-1943

Bresler, Herman              Shoe Shop, 1945-1949


Fast, Fred                   Residence, 1949

(in south half of lot)

Schultz, Henry

     (original)              Blacksmith, 1890-1930


Neitzel, Reinhard            Residence, 1949

Rupprecht, Carl              Locksmith, 1880-?


Walters, Paul                Farm and Implements and Ford Tractors, 1949

Grimm, Gotlieb &

     Son, Arthur             Erected Garage

Grimm, Arthur &

     Leitzke, R.             Garage, ? - 1920

Fast, Fred & Genrich,        Garage, 1920-1925

Walters, Paul                Ford Garages, 1926-1945

Walters, Stanley             Garage, 1946-1948

Walters, Paul                Tractor & Implements, 1948-1949


Panetti, Dr. P. A.           Residence, 1949

Panetti, Dr. P. A.           Physician, about 1900-1949


Fast, Fred                   Garage, 1949

Fast, Fred                   Garage, 1925-1947

Hi-Way Theater               Theater, 1948-1949


Ryder, Howard                Wagons & Trailers, 1949

Ryder, Howard                Wagons & Trailers, 1944-1949


Leitzke, Rein                Factory, 1949

Leitzke, Rein                (original), 1940-1949


Memorial Park, 1949

Southwest corner of park:


Hustis, John                 residence, 1837-1907

Pabst, Charles &

     Braemer, Henry          Hustisford Journal, 1909-1910

Memorial Park                1916-1949


Rock River Consumers Co-Operative, 1949

Seifert, Emil and Ervin      Seifert Bros., erected lumber yard, 1908-1944

Rock River Consumers

     Co-op.                  Lumber and grocery, 1945-1949

                             Feed mill and Filling Station, 1945-1949

Kiefer, Ardell               Filling Station, 1949 - ?


Falkenthal, Hubert           Garage, 1949

Wege, Willie                 Built Garage, ? - ?

Wege, Willie &

     Rex, Kurt               Garage, ? - ?

Falkenthal, Hubert &

     Lindert                 Garage, ? - ?

Falkenthal, Hubert           Garage, 1939-1949


Hustisford Hospital, 1949

                             German Free School, 1874

Voight, Fred                 Sign & Carriage Painting, 1879-1880

Wege, Willie                 Cheese Factory, ? - ?

Leitzke, John F. Jr.         Cheese Factory, ? - ?

Koogler, Dr. P. R.           Hustisford Hospital, 1938-1949

                             (Addition built in 1941)


Old Legion Hall, 1949

Roeseler, August Sr.         (social) 1875-1887

Lindert, Ernest              Legion Hall, ? - ?

                             Vacant, 1948-1949


Roeseler, August        Garage and Store Room, 1949

Seitz, William               (original) Blacksmith shop, 1865-?

Roeseler, Theodore           Horse stable and trading, 1899-?

Goetch, Ed                   (built) garage, 1924-?

Lehman, E. H.                Garage, ?-1934

Roeseler, August Sr.         Store Room, 1936-1949


                   Old Public School House, 1949

Lauerstorf, Ferdinand        Wagon Shop, 1870-1885

Lauerstor, Frank             Wagon Shop, 1870-?

Kunz, Henry                  Wagon Shop, 1885-?

                             Old Public School, 1907-1945

West end of lot:


Roeseler, Theodore           Horse livery & dealer, 1896-1930


Schmidt, Theodore            Blacksmith Shop, 1949

Perkins, John E. Sr.         Blacksmith Shop, 1864-1868

Perkins, John E. Jr.         Blacksmith Shop, 1868-1878

Schmidt, Theodore Sr.        Blacksmith Shop, 1878-1906

Schmidt, Theodore Jr.        Blacksmith Shop, 1906-1949


Gillich, Joseph              Residence, 1949

Old Kalk House:

Briesemeister, Julius        Wagon Shop, 1860-1880



Cooper Shop, 1949

North side of road:

Corner of Canal St. & Kocks Mill Road:

Goodsell, Sheldon            1850-?

Weollerson, Pete O.          1850-?

Staple, Noah Jr.             1860-?

Knowles, Asa                 1860-1870

Heinse, Joseph               1870-?

Neider, William H.           1870-1882

Doerfert, Ernst              1899-?

Franz, Julius                Barrels, ?-?


Bergman, Arnold              Garage, 1949

Budewitz, Herman             Paint Shop, 1882-1904


Seegert, Otto                Garage, 1949

Seegert, Otto                Erected, 1917-1949 (inactive)


Roeseler, August Sr.         Old Blacksmith Shop, 1949

Hausee, William              Blacksmith shop, 1860-1870

Hausee, Nathaniel            Blacksmith shop, 1860-?

Vogler, August Sr.           Blacksmith shop, 187?-1885

Pravitz, August              Blacksmith shop, ? - ?

Karrach, Otto &

     Raue, Jim               Blacksmith shop, 1891-?

Rambow, Walter               Blacksmith shop, ?-?

Zietlow, Herman              Blacksmith shop, 1899-1906

Blumberg, August             Blacksmith shop, 1906-1909

Seegert, Otto                Blacksmith shop, 1909-1916

Blumberg, August             Blacksmith shop, 1917-1920

Roeseler, August Sr.         Storeroom, 1920-1949

Building sold                1949


Koch’s Mill

Hustis, John                 (original) gristmill, 1851-1864

Koch, John F. W.             Gristmill, 1864-1904

Koch, John F. Jr.            Gristmill, 1929-1930

Rohrschneider, Frank &

     Wallace                 1930-1937

Hustisford Electric Utility  1937-1946

Building torn down           1946


Hustis Sawmill

West bank of Rock River just south of bridge:

Hustis, John                 1845-1864

Koch, John F. W.             1864-1870


Dehner Mill, 1949

Hustis, John                 (original)grist mill, 1858-1866

Dehne, Frederick Sr.         Grist mill, 1866-1880

Neitzel & Brendemuehl        Grist mill, 1880-1883

Dehne, Frederick Jr.         Grist mill, 1883-1902

Dehne, Emil & Oscar          Grist mill, 1902-1913

Hustisford Power &

     Light Co.               1911-1937


New powerhouse built 1930

Hustistford Electric Utility 1937-1949


Grist Mill:

Brose, Merlin                Globe Milling Co., 1945-1946

Neider, John  Jr. &

     Miller                  1946-1949


Dehner Sawmill:  (north side of race)

Dehne, Frederick             before 1873-1902

Dehne, Emil & Oscar          1902-1913


Dehne’s Box Factory:

Dehne, Frederick             189?-1902

Dehne, Emil & Oscar          1902-1913


House on race

Braemer, Henry               1911-1949


Hustisford Canning Co., 1949

Hustisford Cannin Co., Inc.  1904-1949

Hipke, Dr. William,

     Seefeldt, William,

     Boeing, Edgar,

     Fletcher, Roy M.,

     Reblitz, J. W.,

     Fletcher, Roy           1904-?

Fletcher, Ned                1932-?

Closed                       1932-1936

Voss, Oscar                  1936-1949



Camp Willow Bank, 1949

Van Wyke, Anthony            Residence, 1885-1929

Leeker, William              Boys and girls camp, 1937-1949


Hustisford High School, 1949     

                             Old School House, 1846-1907

                             New Frame Building, 18?-1907

                             New Brick Building, 1907-1939

                             Addition to high school building, 1939-1949


Lutheran School Parochial, 1949

                             First classes in old church bldg., 1868-1870

                             First school building, 1870-1910

                             Present school building, 1910-1949


Lutheran Church, 1949

Liermann Farm                log cabin, 1858-1866

Erdman, Charles              residence, frame bldg., 1866-1893

                             Present church bldg., brick, 1893-1949


Union Church, 1949

                             Corner of Anthony & Ann St., 1899-1923

                             Presbyterian Church, (same bldg.), 1923-1949


Engine House, 1949

                             Old Engine House, 1883-1914

                             New Engine House, 1915-1949


Chicken Hatchery, 1949

Bergman, Emil                1930-1939


Legion Hall, 1949      

Klemp, Otto                  Former Residence, 194?-1949


Klemp Bros.                  Coal and Cement, 1949

Klemp, August                Cement blocks, 1908-1931

Klemp, Henry & Otto          1908-1931

Klemp, Henry Jr.             Coal business, 1932-1939


Radloff, Roland              Cheese Factory, 1949

                             Hartland Creamery, 1921-1932

Radloff, Max P.              1942-1948

Radloff, Roland              1948-1949


Hustisford Cheese Factory, 1949

Ridge Street

Roberts, Ed.                 1880-?

Radloff, Max P.              1891-1942

Radloff, Roland              1920-1942


Post Masters

Butler, Symmes               Original, 1847-1849

McRae, John                  1849-1856

Daily, John G.               1856-1861

Huse, Hiram S.               1861-1866

Daily, John G.               1866-1869

Hall, James                  1869-1883

Atkins, Dr. E. E.            1883-1884

Roeseler, August Sr.         1884-1890

Matthes, Felix               1890-1894

Rex, Henry                   1894-1898

Matthes, Felix               1898-1910

Matthes, Mrs. Emma           1910-1917

Roeseler, Felix              1917-1930

Kleist, Paul                 1930-1934

Panetti, Dr. P.A.            1934-1946

Lehmann, Norbert             1946-1949



Eggleston, Dr. Norman        1850-?

Sample, Dr. Seth             1853-?

Smith, Dr. John A.           1858-1887

Boeing, Dr. Julius           1856-1860

Frost, Dr. Alva H.           1870-1873

Atkins, Dr. E. E.            1879-1885

Panetti, Dr. John            1879-?

Plageman, Dr. Carl Henry     1879-1891

Hipke, Dr. William           1891-1908

Panetti, Dr. P.A.            1898-1949

Goetsch, Dr. O. F.           1911-1949

Koogler, Dr. P. R.           Osteopath, 1933-1943




Ward, William                Inn (first one), 1846-1851

Lewis, David                 (first hotel), 1847-1850

Seifert, Frederick           1859-1860



Straight, Joel N.            1860-?

Krueger, John                1860-?

Harte, Albert                1870?

Viath, Charles               1859-1860

Schuette, William            1885-?



Cameron, John                First Grocery, 1845-?

Roppeleye, Jacob             Cameron’s Store, 184?-?

Krueger, Frederick           Grocery, 1859-1870


Harness Makers

Walther, Richard             1860-?

Walther, Gustavis            1860-?

Kranhold, Frederick          1870-?

Gerecke, William             1870-?

Uttech, F.                   1873-?


Wagon Shop

Kuleke, John                 1870-?


Cabinet Makers

Daily, John G. (Zilisch)     first cabinet maker, 1848-?

Carpenter, John              carpenter and joiner, 1860-?

Gater, Amos                  carpenter and joiner, 1860-?

Pravitz, August              carpenter and joiner, 1860-?

Wales, Henry W.              1860-?

Wiltse, Edmond               1860-?

Smith, George L.             1860-?

Zilisch, August              1870-?



Ward, John                   1850-?

Burger, William              1850-?

Wood, John                   1848-1851

Pravitz, August              1860-?

Yahre, George                1870-?

Sieke, August                1870-?

Jeche, William               1870-?

Atkins, Samuel               18??-?

Dornfeld, William Sr.        18??-1910


Shoe Maker & Shoe Shop

Tasker, James                1850-?

Smith, E. G.                 1850-?

Perkins, Bradley             1850-?

Thieme, Charles              1853-1865

Willet, Samuel               1850-?

Mescoitine, John             1860-?

Favor, Jacob                 1860-?

Haswell, Charles             (first shoemaker), 1847-1860

Hossick, Nicholas            1860-?

Hefter, Joseph               1870-?

Hollmechal, Louis            1870-?

Conant, Hiram                1870-?

Thomas, James                Boot and shoe, 1860-?

Steiler, Chas.               1870-?



Grimshaw, Christopher        1850-?

Collins, James               1850-?

Longmate, George             1850-?

Lewis, David                 (first blacksmith), 1847-?

Pravitz, Frederick           1860-?

Coolaka, John                1860-?

Calkins, Daniel, Sr.         1860-?

Calkins, Daniel Jr.          1860-?

Main, Daniel                 1860-?

Brown, Dean                  1860-?

Brown, Silas                 1860-?

Brown, Adin                  1860-?

Kettner, August              1870-?

Rupprecht, Edmondt           1870-?

Rouler, John                 1870-?

Springborn, Wm.              1873-?

Haffenstein, A.              1899-?



Hustisford Farmers Mutual

     Insurance Co.           April 19, 1875

Hustisford Volunteer

     Fire Co.                April 4, 1883

Hustisford State Bank        September 4, 1901

Lake Sinissippi

     Association             September 3, 1934

Hustisford Rod &

     Gun Club                April 4, 1935

Hustisford Advancement

     Association        ?


F. W. Lehmann Sportman’s House

Fiedler’s Island on

   Lake Sinissippi           1876-1883


Hustisford Fires

Voelker, F.                  Wisconsin House, 1879

Baker, F. W.,

     Lueck, Wm               residence

     Roeseler, Felix

     Town Hall               $20,000 total loss, March 2, 1908

Trittin, Otto                Saloon

     Dornfeld, Paul

     Boeing, Robert

     Bauer, R.               Tin shop, State Bank, $70,000, November 8, 1912

Hustisford Light &

     Power Co.,

     Grist Mill              $30,000 loss, April 7, 1915


Hustisford Newspapers

Radke, Wm.                   May - Sept. 1900

Pabst, Charles &

     Bramer, Henry           December 10, 1909 - August 26, 1910

Kaul, William Sr.            at Juneau, 1908-1909

Kaul, William Jr.            1949


Dance Halls

Roeseler, August Sr.         at Ernest Lindert, 1878-1899

Matthes, Henry               Hall, at Joseph Gillich, 1884-1930

Roeseler, Theodore           at Albert Roeseler, 1887-1940

City Hall                    1911-1937

Firemen’s Hall               1936-1949


Hustisford Tannery

Weber, Jake                  before 1880

Immediately north of the late Herman Bartsch residence

     near John Berschneider


Hustisford Navigation Co.

Lehmann, August              steamboat, Apr.-1890

Gruenigan, E.,

     Salisbury, R. &

     Schroeder, E.           Hustisford and Horicon Navigation Co.,

March 1890-1905


Hustisford Volunteer Fire Co.

First fire engine            April 6, 1883

Fire Bell                    May 4, 1883-1949


Pumps & Well Drilling

Steinbom, Willie             1878-?

Jeche, Fred & Paul           1899-1939

Roeseler, August Sr.         ? - ?

Graunke, Albert              ? - ?


Potash Manufacturers

McRae, John,

     Roeseler, Wm.           residence, 1848-1855 (near Rock River)


Lumber Rafting on Rock River

Horicon to Watertown

     and Janesville          1854-1861


Hustisford Woolen Mills

Hustis, John,

     Gater, Roswell,

     Lovell, Chas.

     Hooley, Thomas

     Lovell, Mark

     Bade, Albert            1865-1870?