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Events     Recent Additions to website    Recent Acquisitions     Queries   Kudos   Publications


Watertown Remembered history book reissued in eBook format, $2.99


     for readers such as Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, Sony Reader, etc,


          and associated eReader apps, including an app for the new Apple iPad..



Research Service:  We have identified those who can research queries on a paid for time and expense basis. 

                                   A portion of the charge for such service becomes a donation to our society. 

                                   Please contact us with your query and request an estimate of time involved and associated charge.


June 13, 2011:   5:30 p.m. Board Meeting followed by Strategic Planning Session


Reminiscing:  2009 Farm Technology Days, Dodge/Jefferson Counties Genealogical Soc participation in

Recent Additions to website:


D/JCGS is now on FaceBook

Keep abreast of website postings and society news by becoming a fan of our “wall” [postings] on facebook


06 10 11  Wrucke Cemetery - Horicon [Dodge Cty]


06 09 11  Star Brewing Co, Lomira [Dodge Cty]


05 26 11  South Beaver Dam, Tavern & RR Depot   c1950s [Dodge Cty]


05 24 11  Lowell Canning Factory [Dodge Cty], c1910


05 23 11  Churches at the Koshkonong Prairie [Jefferson Cty]


05 20 11  Gehrke Family, early 1920s, Ft. Atkinson


05 19 11  East Koshkonong Lutheran Church, Cambridge

   c1904 Confirmation [Jefferson Cty]


05 18 11  Frieden’s Church, Fort Atkinson, WI

   Confirmation, c1927


05 17 11  1861:  Holy Assumption Catholic Church, Dedication of, Clyman


05 14 11  Williams Free Library, Beaver Dam [Dodge County]


05 13 11  Oakland, WI [Jefferson County], early 1900s.

   Theodore & Augusta Gehrke family and farm


05 12 11  St. Henry’s Catholic, Watertown

   Johann Scheiber Confirmation, 1893



    Saturday, September 10, Lindberg's By The River.  Registration Form


05 05 11  Field Trip to Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison, Wednesday, July 20, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

May newsletter has been delivered to the post office for mailing.  This quarterly publication is just one of the benefits of membership.


04 27 11  Beaver Dam, WI

   Post Office


04 20 11  Immanuel Methodist Church of Jefferson, founded in 1845


04 19 11  Wayland Junior College

   Beaver Dam, WI [Dodge Cty]


04 16 11  Juneau, WI [Dodge Cty]

   Grand Hotel


04 13 11  Private Barney Amundson

   Palmyra, WI [Jefferson Cty].  Died 1864 in Civil War


04 12 11  Dr. Franklin H. Martin (1857-1935).  Life was characterized by courage. Born with the hardy spirit of two

pioneer families, each of which came west by caravans into the rugged wilderness of Wisconsin.


04 11 11  Immanuel Lutheran Church

   Lebanon, WI [Dodge Cty].  Old church, torn down in 1925


04 10 11  Junior Audubon Society

   Mayville, WI [Dodge Cty], 1918


04 06 11  Lake Mills High School [Jefferson Cty]


Query 0406201101 = Seeking to exchange info on surnames of Wittnebel, Glander, Walther, Moldenhauer



04 02 11  Beaver Dam High School

   Graduation Class of 1904


03 29 11  Lake Mills, WI [Jefferson Cty], shoe factory



03 28 11  Lake Mills, WI [Jefferson Cty], date c1910

   W. F. Joeckel, Clothier      Inside of Joeckel Store


03 27 11  Lake Mills Meat Market, 1908

   William English & Roy English


03 26 11  150th anniversary of St. John's Lutheran Church of Sullivan [Jefferson Cty]. 

Lutheranism in the Sullivan area dates back as early as 1852 and had ties to St. John

Lutheran Church in Watertown.  See pages 5 and 6 of current church newsletter.


   Christensen & Frandson, Painters and Decorators, 1908, Lake Mills, WI [Jefferson Cty].

Web page contains link to 1908 Lake Mills City Directory page.


03 24 11  Johnson Creek, WI

   Union Street


03 15 11  Juneau, WI [Dodge Cty]

   Oak Street


03 12 11 

   Art Dobbratz and Martha Zubke wedding.  Watertown photographer.


Johann Bauer Descendants [LeRoy, WI area, Dodge Cty], 89 page family tree, 321K pdf file

Index to above file, 19 pages, 82K pdf file

      Available upon request


03 09 11  Milford, WI, Silliman's Store [Jefferson County]



03 05 11  Willerop Methodist Church, “The Oldest Scandinavian Methodist Church in the World,” 1851, Cambridge, WI


03 03 11  CIVIL WAR:  William A. Green, Milford WI [Jefferson Cty]. 

   24-yr-old Lt. Colonel Greene commanded the 29th Regiment, WI Infantry, at siege of Vicksburg. 

Full page bio available upon request.


02 28 11  St. Henry’s Catholic School, Watertown, WI

    Grades 3 and 4, 1945


02 27 11  Waupun State Prison [Dodge Cty]:    Prison Chapel   Prison Band

Prison Dining Room [1], Prison Dining Room [2]


02 26 11  St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ashippun [Dodge Cty]

   June 1933 Confirmation Class


02 15 11  Reeseville, WI, Dodge Cty, First Reformed Church


02 12 11  Malleable Iron Range advertising postcard, Beaver Dam, WI. 

   Lots of info on this company in book in our library:  Beaver Dam Sesquicentennial, R_977.5_Dodge_B38.


02 11 11  Palmyra, WI [Jefferson Cty], Second St.



Pictures from BACHHUBER album.  Contributed set of 31 image files of the BACHHUBER family tree.  Many photos had been removed from the album but names here are:  Buchhuber, Engel, Devitz, Schwatzmueller, Weix, Bauer, Lehner, Fell, “Farmersville Neighbors,” Wagner, Stitz, Huett, Adelmayer, Steinberg, Kaiser and Marx.   Family branch lived in Mayville, LeRoy, Kekoskee or Williamstown.  Collection of CDrom available upon request.


02 09 11  Lake Mills

Brick Street School      /      City Band     c1925   


02 08 11  Rupnow (Ruppnow) Family, Watertown [Jefferson Cty]

DJCGS_001_060sm   Farm on Little Coffee Road, c 1900. Family spelled surname two different ways.


02 08 11  Beaver Dam, WI [Dodge Cty]

   Depot And Library, 1923


02 05 11  Johnson Creek, WI [Jefferson Cty]

   Bird’s Eye view of

02 04 11  Lincoln School, Watertown   Kindergarten class, 1923   Third Grade class, 1926   Sixth Grade class, 1929


02 03 11 Rome, WI, [Jefferson Cty]

   Friedel & Sons General Merchandise Store, c1901


01 29 11  /  Jan 29:  Reeseville fire of 1909 — With one of the worst blizzards in the history of the village raging and the wind

                               blowing a gale, almost the entire business section of Reeseville was destroyed by fire.


01 28 11  Ft Atkinson WI [Jefferson Cty]

   High School and Water Tower, 1905


01 27 11  Bridge across Rock River

   at Jefferson Wi [Jefferson Cty], c1910


Johnson Creek WI [Jefferson Cty]

   Milwaukee St, 1929


01 26 11  Jefferson WI, Jefferson Cty

   High School, 1908


Scheiber, Oscar, 1927 and 31, First Communion and Confirmation, St. Henry's

Scheiber, Alice, 1928 and 31, First Communion and Confirmation, St. Henry's

Scheiber, Oscar, 1932, 8th Grade Certif, St. Henry's


01 26 11  Lomira, Dodge Cty, WI

   Main Street, c1912


01 25 11  In 1910, Andreas Ambros (Andrew Ambrose), an old and respected resident of the town of Milford, passed away. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in Co. E., 20th Wisconsin volunteer infantry and served in the war from 1862 until its end in 1865.  Link to file contains family group pic.


Lomira, WI, Dodge Cty.

   Depot, c1908  /  Compare to 


01 24 11  Friedrich & Wilhelmina Wege

   Lived outside Lomira, Dodge Cty, c1870


01 23 11  Reeseville, Dodge Cty

   Commercial Hotel, c1912


01 22 11  Added to website:  Siloam Cemetery, Town of Sullivan, Jefferson Cty, WI

                        Many Cornish immigrants and their descendants from north area of Cornwell are buried here.

                 Added to website:  Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Town of Sullivan, Jefferson Cty, WI


>>  We received a query asking if anyone is researching the Greiten And Rohlinger Families.  If so please let us know and we will help you make the contact.


01 22 11  Thomas McGee and Mary McGorman McGee,

   Married 1855, Concord, Jefferson Co, WI


Mary Agnes McGee (daughter of Thomas McGee and Mary McGorman McGee) and Joseph John Boos

   with sons Thomas Francis and Leo Joseph, married 1886 in Sullivan, Jefferson Co, WI.


01 17 11  Civil War, Roster of Wisconsin Civil War Soldiers, vol. I

                 Civil War, Roster of Wisconsin Civil War Soldiers, vol. II



Virtual tour of our library – YouTube video clip



          If you have images of Dodge/Jefferson Counties that might be posted on this site please contact webmaster


Recent Acquisitions: (Selected)

Interment list for Union Cemetery , Burnett Township, Dodge County, Sec. 4 N.E.


The Jackson Family History.  Ancestors, Descendants and Related Families of Anders Anton Jakobsen and Anne Marie Johansdatter. Includes info about areas of Norway from which the members emigrated. Family settled in Milwaukee and many male members sailed on the Great Lakes.


St. Louis Catholic Parish, Fond du Lac


Dodge County, Wisconsin


Repertoire of Baptisms, Marriages & Burials, 1850-1920 [Paperback]


Authors:  Kateri (Teri) Dupuis & Don Cayen


Paperback: 244 pages


Publisher: Clearfield (March 15, 2010)


Bethany Lutheran Church, Hustisford, WI, Dodge County.  Copy of four ledgers of.  Ledger I: 1867-1896; Ledgers II & III, 1897-1943; Ledger IV, 1944-2008.  Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Death.  Copy of church constitution.


Lebanon (Dodge County, WI) Baptist Church records, translation of


Dodge County 1873 Plat Maps.


Dodge County 1859 Plat Maps.    A-K,  L-Z; copies of maps can be ordered




FAMILY NAMES:  Bohm, Bramer / Bremer, Beyer, Ewert, Froehlich, Habeck, Hoefs, Lemcke, Neitzel, Schroeder, Tolzmann, Voecks, Zabel,


Jefferson County Honorable Discharge papers, selected, WWII

Adventist Christian Church records, Watertown

Town and Village of Lowell tax records

Christopher and Mary Keegan Coogan descendants, Watertown area.  Two spiral books

Chapter on McFarlands and Mallanneys

Chapter on McCaig

McFarland, Peter (Mary Mallanney)

McFarland, Paul Patrick (Bridget Cunningham)

Mallanney, James (Ellen McHugh)

McHugh, Michael (Elizabeth Downs)


McCaig, Jerome (Loretta Gallagher)

McCaig, James (Margaret McPhillips)

McCaig, Archibald (Margaret O’Neill)

McPhillips, James

McCaig, John (Anne Coogan)

Coogan, Christopher (Mary Keegan)


Bill Habeck, 2007 presentation to Dodge/Jefferson Counties Genealogical Soc

My Great Grandparents first came to America in 1868 and settled in Herman Township Iron Ridge, WI.  By 1870 they were farming in Danville Township Blue Earth County, MN.  I grew up in Waldorf, Waseca County, MN.  These are a few of the resources I have used researching my Pommern origins.  In late March early April 2007 our son and I traveled to Germany and Poland to retrace where our ancestors came from in Pommern, Kreis Naugard.  -  Bill Habeck, August 2007


Image CD:   (CD 00101)

Berlin, Germany (14 images)

Berlin, Germany & Immigration Museum Bremerhaven (39)

Greiswald, Germany Lutheran Archives (17)

Hamburg, Germany (23)

Pommern Poland, Germany (42)

Wall of Honor, Ellis Island (15)


Text CD:   (CD 00102)

Websites to Assist In Researching Your Pommern Ancestors (3 pg Microsoft Word file)


Presentation CD:   (CD 00103)

Collection of slides used in presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint file)


Copies of this set of 3 CDroms are available upon request. 

We request a donation of $10 per set, which includes s/h.  Please contact webmaster


CDrom (DJCGS CD00100) containing Weisman family history.  Among Word files included:

Weisman Pedigree (Farmington, Jefferson Cty)

Weisman, Arthur and Cecelia (Dockendorf)

Weisman, Arthur, family journal

Weisman, Cecelia memories: Thoughts on Mathias Dockendorf

Weisman, Elizabeth Thomey

Weisman, George, family

Weisman, John Sr.

Weisman, Michael, children of

Weisman, Sister M. Theresia (Barbara)

Dockendorf, pedigree


Minnesota plat maps (selected)

St. Lawrence (Jefferson) Church history


Descendants of Wilhelm Seegert (Saegert/Segert) (21 pg pedigree and text)

Wilhelm was born Aug 1833 in Pomerania and died between 1905-1901, probably in Oak Grove, Dodge Cty, WI


Adolf Friedrich Miller pedigree (file on Watertown His Soc website)

Adolf Friedrich Miller pedigree with roots back to about 1600, added to file.

Adolf left Diepholz Germany, settled in Watertown, became owner of cigar manufactory.

Recent Queries:

Query 0902201001

"Johannes Pedersen EISHAUG and his wife Andrea Gundersdatter SAUG came to Jefferson Co., Wisconsin from Telemark in 1853 with three small children. At least one child, Peter (b. 1855), was born to them in Jefferson Co. By 1860 they were located in the Stockholm area, Pepin Co. (1860 Census) and they are buried as John and Andrea PETERSON in Maiden Rock (Pierce Co.).  Johannes' parents, Peder Olsen ROLIGHEDEN (b. 1793) and Inger Steensdatter EIDSHAUG (b. 1781), are supposed to have emigrated with him. I can find no record of their deaths in Wisconsin. I believe they may be buried in Jefferson Co., but I don't know where.  I have been told that they were members of the Pine Lake Church.  Have the records of this church been published?  Mange takk!" Kendall Mellem

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


Query 0609201001

It has been a few years since sent I posted this So I am refreshing it.   My husband is the great grandson of Johann Wolfgang Medick who married Margaret Ziedler on February 14, 1848. They settled in the Hebron area and are now buried at St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church in Helenville, Wisconsin. They had seven children:


Johann Frederick Medick

Charles Medick

Henry Medick

Johann George Herman Medick

Elizabeth Katherina Medick

Adam Medick

Johann William Medick


If anyone has any information I would love to hear from them and share information.

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


Query 0416201001

Trying to find out parentage/death certificates for Carl Wegener (Wegner)-, (b.1800- d.1863) who arrived with wife, Maria (approx 1805-1870)  and sons, Gottfried & Wilhelm to the Milford area in 1856 (to NY from Hamburg on SS Gellert) originating from Wartin, Kreis Randow, Province of Pomerania, Germany.  They are buried in Salem Cemetery, Milford area, Wisconsin.  THANKS!

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


Query 0118201001:  Eileen Offner

Looking for anyone who knows (or knew) Eileen Offner, daughter of Louis R. Offner. She married my father in July 1942.

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


Query 1118200901:  DUNN family

Am looking for information on James Dunn, born April 4, 1852, married Mary Ann McDonough March of 1883. He died in 1925. If anyone has any information on him or his 12 children I would be very interested in talking to you.

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


Query 1106200901:  EASTMAN family

Charles F. EASTMAN and wife Eleanor (HILL) moved to Palmyra, Jefferson CO., WI in 1866 following service in the Civil War.  Charles owned a cooper shop in Palmyra and lived there until 1883 when his wife died.  He then moved to Snow, Clark Co. until his death in 1888.  He and Eleanor are buried in Hillside Cemetery, Palmyra.  Charles was born in Demark ME, 1823 and lived in NH prior to WI.  He was son of Ezekiel EASTMAN and Abigail COPP(S).   Wish to contact anyone researching any of the above. Are there any photos of Charles F EASTMAN?

[ Contact webmaster for ID of submitter and contact info ]


    Archived Queries

Recent Kudos:


So today, I had a few minutes to spare and stopped at the Dodge/Jefferson Counties Genealogical Society.  My intention was to learn a bit about John Bhend, but instead the mushroom factor kicked in.  Obviously, you don’t spend just a few minutes in a genealogical society, not if you have an inkling of investigative curiosity for anything historical. Within minutes of my arrival, several helpful people brought me Plat books, old city directories and obituaries. Not only did I get information on our guy, but I now have a list of previous property owners back to the 1860’s and a fixation to learn more.  [reference:  04 09 08 email]


I have one complaint to make . . . every time I visit your website I find some new information that is of interest to me.  Outstanding.  I will never make it to your library so I know you only through the website.  Keep up the good work. [reference:  03 09 08 email]


Dear Folks at the D/JCGS:  Thank you very much – information you provided enabled me to figure out my mom’s family.  She didn’t even know her grandmother’s name . . from some Dodge County descendants from Ventura CA. [reference:  membership 030608#255]

Recent Publications:


                   Full listing of publications available


 If you would like to add any information to our website

be sure to contact the webmaster